Philosophy Questions
Q15. Explain what Libertarianism is.
What additional question must be asked if libertarianism is true (don’t just
give me the name of the question, but state the actual question)? What is one
way for the Libertarian to respond to that question?
is the point of approach that tends to emphasize that every person has the
right to do what he/she wants to do. It strongly advocates the right of every
person to do what he or she want as far as their actions do not interfere with
the rights of other people. Libertarians defend the rights of every person
regarding life, property ownership, and liberty without the interference of the
state or the government. From the libertarianism point of approach, human
relationships are voluntary in nature. Those actions that should be prohibited
are those that initiate force to those that have not used force against one.
These actions can be rape, robbery with violence, fraud among others.
If the government or the state does not
intervene in the activities of the people, would there be problems that would
arise? Every action that an individual does should be geared to his or her own
good as well as the good of others. However, what seems to interfere with the
welfare of other people should be avoided at all costs. Although human beings
are rational in nature, there is a possibility that allowing the people do
behave the way they want in the society would
lead to creation of an anarchical society. However, it is instilling maximum
responsibility among the people through social contract that people will be
able to respect the welfare of others.
beings are rational and can be able to handle all situations that they face
with rationality to ensure that their actions do not interfere with other
people. The role of the government or the state is not necessarily required. The
responsibility bestowed to the state or the government in leadership is to give
people rules and laws to follow. Since the liberationists affirm that people
have enough rationality, then it would be irrelevant for the people to give up
some of their freedoms to the state. Instead, they can use their rationality in
their everyday interaction with each other.
Q17. Present and explain the
Conceivability Argument for the Substance Dualism. Be sure to include all the
relevant assumptions and explanations for the premises. Present and explain one
objection to the Conceivability Argument.
conceivability argument is discussed in René Descartes’ sixth meditation. In
the context of this work, Rene Descartes argues for the substance dualism. This
idea holds the view that in addition to our physical bodies, we have immaterial
souls. The soul is not made of physical material. The soul can, therefore, be
perceived as a metaphysical object. The immaterial soul is related closely to
the body but continues to exist even after the destruction or the death of the
body, an idea that is also held by religious practitioners (Descartes 1969).
Whatever can one conceive, it is then possible. For example, if one can
conceive that the mind can exist independently of the body, then it is
explains what is termed as the argument for dualism or the “conceivability
argument.” There are different premises that come out clearly in the argument.
Firstly, there is the claim that all things that can be perceived by the human
beings, can be made by God to be exactly understood by the individual.
Secondly, there is the possibility that
if an object A exists separately from B, according to one’s understanding, then
God can make A exist separately from B. Thirdly, if God can make A exist
separately from B, then this means that A and B are very distinct entities (Descartes
1969). Fourthly, Descartes argues that he understands that his mind exists
distinctly from his own body.
also added that God could make the mind exist separately from the body. He
asserted that his mind and the body were very different entities. Furthermore,
there is the premise that the mind exists to think. Descartes also claims that
if the body exists, then it is an extended thing. Descartes noted that if some issue
can be conceived by the mind, then it is possible.
of the objections to the conceivability argument is that there are many
instances, where one can imagine or conceive many situations yet they turn out
to be impossible. For example, we can create two statements. The first is: the
president of America.
The second is: Barack Obama. A person, who conceives the two statements as
different, might not be justified because it is not true. The two statements
are the same and it is so impossible to create differences among them. In
addition, it is also argued that our actions are informed by our thoughts. Conversely,
our thoughts are affected by our physical activities or actions. This
interaction could not be possible if both entities are not dependent on each
other, meaning that they exist due to their causal interactions.
Q18. What is the Conceptual
Objection to Substance Dualism (as presented by Lowe)? How does Lowe deal with
this objection? Be sure to include and explain the theory of causation Lowe
rejects and the theory of causation he “accepts” to show that the objection does
not work.
opposes the concept held by the dualist. He asserts that there is nothing like a
mind (Lowe 2000). He adds that there is no causality relationship between the
mind and the body. To him, the only thing that can be said to exist is
minded-beings, who can think rationally. He objects the idea that was held by
Rene Descartes regarding the mind or soul and the body. He claims that a person
or a human being is a substance with a soul that stands on a material being (the
body) with specific special relations.
agrees with the idea that there is no direct causation between the physical and
the non-physical substance. However, there is a concept regarding the mental
and the physical substance that he refutes. According to the dualists, the
mental and the physical substance are quite different and have nothing in
common. This scope, therefore, leaves no room to allow for debate regarding the
relationship on causality between the mental and the physical. This objection
may not be varied (Lowe 2000). This is because, the idea held by Rene
Descartes, who is the main proponent of the idea on dualism, is that there is a
possibility that the mind can exist independently on the body. The dualists go
ahead and support their point of stand using a condition. They argue that
possibility of existence of the two entities, the mind and the body, is in
presence of a supernatural intervention, for instance, God.
also rejects the notion that some aspects of the causing agent must be
transmitted to the other element. He explains this using the analogy of electricity,
which drives some aspects of machines, and is not moving by itself. Furthermore,
Lowe also denies the idea that the causality relationship must be locally based.
There are instances, where the action comes from a distance. He explains this
using the concept of Newton
on Gravitational force. However, the cause and effect regarding the inhumane
materials cannot be the basis to predict the response of human beings. Human
beings have rationality, which makes them even highly unpredictable in their
response. Physical structures cannot be compared with the complex human structure.
Q19. Present the Divisibility
Argument. Be sure to explain the premises. Present and explain one objection to
the Indivisibility Argument.
Rene Descartes presents the
difference between the body and the mind in meditation VI. The main element of
concentration in this area is the idea of extension. The body can be divided
into parts ad infinitum. Bodies are
divisible but the mind is not so. There is no possibility of having half a
mind. The argument is that the mind and the body are different. In this case,
the mind is not divisible. The body is divisible (Descartes1969). Therefore, the mind and the body are not the
same thing.
There are different premises that
are contained in the divisibility argument. Firstly, there is the contention
that the mind, a non-extended entity, is not divisible. In addition, all
extended things are divisible. Entities like the mind are not divisible. The
other premise contained in this idea is that no minds are extended things. The
idea of the divisibility is the one of the concepts that is used to prove that
the mind and the body are two different entities (Descartes 1969). In the
divisibility argument, the contentions raised can only be varied, if the mind
is treated as a non-physical or an immaterial substance.
The premise that the mind, a non-extended
entity, is indivisible may not be justified. For example, there is a high
possibility that the destruction of a part of the brain will consequently
result in destruction of the mind. Furthermore, there is the knowledge that the
mind, which is metaphysical, requires metaphysical mechanisms to divide it, for
instance, when one thinks about two or more issues at the same time. This can
be termed as dividing the mind twice or more times. Physical division here
should have been differentiated from metaphysical division. Whatever it is,
physical undergoes physical division and the metaphysical undergoes
metaphysical division.
From the indivisibility argument,
there is the possibility that the mind can be divided. From the physical point
of view, it is not possible to divide the mind. On the other hand, it is
possible to divide it from the metaphysical point of view. The ideas held by
the indivisibility arguments are limited to the metaphysical division.
Present the Causal Closure Argument (be sure to state the name of the
principles used in the premises). What is the argument intended to show? What
is one possible reply to the Causal Closure Argument that the dualist might
The causal closure argument tends to
view the physical phenomena as having a physical cause to explain its existence.
To a greater extent, the causal closure points to the idea that there is no
relationship between the physical and the non-physical. It can be applied in
arguments concerning the physicalism in relation to the mind. For instance, if
there is a belief that thinking coming from the mind may cause the physical
body to move, there is also an assumption that there is a possibility that
other physical elements cause the movement. It is not in order to claim that
both the physical and the non-physical aid in the movement (Lowe 2000). One of
the elements has to cause the movement. The conclusion from the causal closure
argument is that there is no non-physical controlling the physical. Therefore,
the mental causes of our physical behaviour are our physical parts.
One of the premises of this
principle states that there is the transfer of the mental to physical causation.
The second premise is that the world is causally closed. The ultimate premise
is held to be that the mental is the physical. This is in contrast to the
dualists, who hold the idea that the physical (body) is very different from the
mental (mind). From the point of view of Rene Descartes, the mind and the body
are independent. The destruction or death of the physical, for instance, may
not interfere with the survival of the non-physical. Since, this idea believes
that the mental causes the physical to act, then the dualist would intervene
and claim that it is not necessarily that there is interdependence between the
two (the mind and the body). The two are mutually exclusive elements. The
behaviour of one does not affect the behaviour of the other according to the
dualist’s perception.
Q22. Present and explain the
Thinking Animal Argument for Animalism. Be sure to discuss why Olson believes
the premises are plausible. Explain what it means regarding our persistence if
it is true that we are animals.
to animalism, human beings are animals with a difference in their thinking
capability. Olson claims that it is hard to explain that human beings are not
animals. From his point of view, human beings exist as organism. The organism
is the individual. This concept is the one that Olson calls animalism. There is
the possibility that something can be an animal and yet not be identical to a
certain specific animal. The animal concept explained by Olson argues that human
beings are animals made in the same matter as the other animals and living in
the same place (Olson 2003).
underlying concept in animalism is that animals are material things. In
addition, since human beings have the same composition, then it consequently
means that they are animals. Being a person means that one is self-conscious,
intelligent and able to think rationally. Furthermore, a person has freewill
and should be morally responsible. Therefore, there is the possibility that we
are more than animal and retain the animalistic characteristics (Olson 2003). According
to the ideas held by Olson, there is a great psychological difference between
the people and the animals themselves. Olson categorizes human beings as very
special animals.
are different justifications regarding animalism. Firstly, there is the premise
that there is a human animal. The second is that the human animal thinks. Any
material thing that thinks must be an animal. In addition, Olson claims that it
does not imply that everything that does an act similar to another one is identical
to the other (Olson 2003). It only means that there are some resemblances in
the way the two things act but not necessarily meaning that they are identical.
concept the Olson uses to describe human beings as thinking animals can be
taken to another level. For example, he claims that human beings are
psychologically different from other animals by the fact that they can be able
to think and act rationally in all conditions. This persistence of actions
makes them different. According to Olson, this does not imply that human
animals are identical to animals but claims the fact that human beings can be
able to think in all situation means that they are different from animals (Olson
2003). The animalistic characteristic of human beings is the material aspect.
Present Frankfurt’s counterexample. What is
the case supposed to show?
Harry Frankfurt counterexamples were
in reaction to the principle of alternative possibilities. With reference to
the principle of alternative possibilities, an agent is responsible for an
action only if the agent had the capacity to do otherwise (Frankfurt 1969). According
to Frankfurt, an individual should not be held morally responsible for an
action if he/she had the capacity to act otherwise. The theoretical knowledge
to do otherwise does not alter our capacity to do otherwise. Moral
responsibility is compatible with determinism since it does not require
autonomy to do otherwise. Frankfurt gives an
example in this.
The example is about Donald, who is
to vote for Democratic Party and only one instance that he will not; if he
thinks about the American defeat in Iraq. Ms.White plans to implant a device in
his head to influence him to vote for Democrats. Regardless of the device, he
is most likely to vote for Democrats (Frankfurt 1969). To Frankfurt,
unless external influence, such as coercion is present, an individual doesn’t need
to have an alternative to be perceived as morally responsible. A person can be
morally responsible even without an alternative.
Provide an example of causal over determination.
determination is the concept used to refer to the situation, where the causes
are more than sufficient to explain an event (Bunzl 1979). These causes must be
independent in a way that only one cause is enough to explain the event. In
causal overdetermination, the greatest challenge is to understand which one is
the sufficient cause that culminated in the happening of an event.
instance, there is the case of Sigmund Freud and the analysis of the dream. In
this case, he asserts that a dream can be a product of very many events that
happen to an individual. For example, unresolved conflicts, day’s happenings,
repressed thoughts among others. In this case, when an individual has dreamt, a
psychologist may not know exactly what the cause of the dream is if he is to
assist the person in understanding him/herself better (Freud 1976). He/she
might be confronted with many causes that may obscure him/her from getting the
real picture of the events that are happening in that individual. Another
example of police officers chasing a robber and they happen to shoot him all at
once. In this case, if more than one bullet was involved in killing the robber,
a question can arise as to which bullet was just sufficient to kill him.
Bunzl, Martin. “Causal Over determination.” Journal of Philosophy 76.3 (1979): 134-150.
Rene. A Discourse on Method, Meditations
and Principles. Trans. John Veitch. New
York: Dutton & Co., 1969. Print.
Frankfurt, Harry. “Alternate Possibilities
and Moral Responsibility.” Journal of Philosophy 66.23 (1969):
829–39. Print.
Sigmund. The Interpretation of Dreams .HarperCollins, 1976. Print.
Lowe, Jonathan E. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Print.
Jonathan E. “Causal Closure Principles and Emergentism.” Philosophy 75.4 (2000): 571- 585.
Eric T. “An Argument for Animalism.” Personal
Identity. Eds. R. Martin and J. Barresi. Blackwell, 2003. 318-34. Print.
is Libertarianism wrong? Web. 28 October 2012.
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